
Ideas to improve Lichess

@for_cryingout_loud said in #9:
I don ́t know if you are Lichess staff, but thank you for answering anyway

> as for opening rooms. Lichess already has that.
> Just create a tournament from the position of your opening and then let people play maybe give the link to your friends.

If I am training a new opening, I don ́t want my chess friends to even know it; I prefer to "surprise" them over the board. ;-)
Thematic tournaments are good (I asked for them with anoter nickname), but they haven ́t any visibility .
I think that nowadays Lichess has got enough players (80.000 simultaneously) to have some opening rooms, where you can increase the posibility of playing the variant you want to train.

> Using studies would make them private and easy to get my question is
> why do you say studes are "quite limited"
As far I know (but I can be wrong) you can ́t make simple search inside them (player name), you cannot set the tounament name, round,. The amount of games has a limit too...
In fact, I use them as a database.

I don ́t know if you are Lichess staff, but thank you for answering anyway
@onoboso said in #11:
> If I am training a new opening, I don ́t want my chess friends to even know it; I prefer to "surprise" them over the board. ;-)
> Thematic tournaments are good (I asked for them with anoter nickname), but they haven ́t any visibility .
> I think that nowadays Lichess has got enough players (80.000 simultaneously) to have some opening rooms, where you can increase the posibility of playing the variant you want to train.

The is not enough people playing at a time(there's 80k+ on but not playing) to do that it will be mostly dead plus in those rooms people will still be able to see your games so it won't help with hiding from your friend

> As far I know (but I can be wrong) you can ́t make simple search inside them (player name),

well studies is more you got your game or your line you want to look at and analyse it
you can search player by opening opening explorer select player tab and then click the cog at the top right of that and change the play

" In fact, I use them as a database."
If you want a database you can just download all the games from lichess

"you cannot set the tournament name, round,. "
for tournament just find it on lichess and choose the games you want or hit download all games from tournament

"The amount of games has a limit too..."
you can only add 20 games a once (this is to stop spam)
you can only do 64 chapter (this is also to stop spam)
but you can always make more studies

>"I don ́t know if you are Lichess staff, but thank you for answering anyway"
no not staff you can see if someone is staff by clicking their name and checking their profile for a moderator or dev badge
Thanks for a great chess site!
I think the puzzles are very good with the different themes options.
I would love a: "do it again"-button below the "Your turn"-button, within the same square at the right side of the board.
I often want to repeat the puzzle, and I think this would be a faster and more convenient way .
Thank you :-)
..and BTW:
When I am in the "Do it again"-department of Puzzles, and I want to repeat, using the little square below, the next puzzle coming up is not fram my "do-it agian" series. This should also be corrected.
(I now se that the above message may be misunderstood, I mean a "repeat"-button, for the last puzzle, either within "do it again" or in regular mode.
Another suggestion for the training: On my PC I can follow the complete game if I want. On the smartphone I only can go one move back in the game.
Change your way to rank. Its so Boring. Five or six day in row Where i lose more than 30 points when I win 15 for 5 defeat
Stockfish 15 has released, and is being used by Perhaps it would improve the site to include this new version.
@DragonGamer231 said in #19:
> Stockfish 15 has released, and is being used by Perhaps it would improve the site to include this new version.
Lichess said with the way stockfish is currently implemented on lichess stockfish 15 would be weaker hence why they dont have it

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