
Should India revive Sanskrit??

if india revives sanskrit it will became most popular as 1 in 7 people of the world is indian
Well, if Sanskrit is up to be revived, then why not reintroduce the Cuneiform too? Also the Hieroglyphics could be tried sometimes, at list for a better understanding between different groups, tribes and ancient cultures.
@mAHiTh1708 said in #40:
> Chinese Mandarin most popular language in the world is derived from Sanskrit
Mandarin is part of the Sino-Tibetan language family while Sanskrit is part of the Indo-European language family. They're completely different. Its also just easier for Hindi to stay India's national language, as it would take money and effort for Sanskrit to be the national language, which I think could be better invested elsewhere.
@pn2206 said in #43:
> Mandarin is part of the Sino-Tibetan language family while Sanskrit is part of the Indo-European language family. They're completely different. Its also just easier for Hindi to stay India's national language, as it would take money and effort for Sanskrit to be the national language, which I think could be better invested elsewhere.
no many words from mandarin are similar with Sanskrit
@pn2206 said in #45:
> Could you provide some examples?
the word mandrin itself means to minister in Sanskrit even English has many similarities with sanskrit
@mAHiTh1708 said in #46:
> the word mandrin itself means to minister in Sanskrit even English has many similarities with sanskrit

man came from manu dharma came from dharma in Sanskrit mantra came from mantra mouse came from mus avatar from avatara jungle came from jangula
@screamingmonsters said in #49:
> So, @mAHiTh1708 , I assume that you, and generally the Sanskrit speakers, have no difficulties understanding Chinese mandarin. Isn't it?
no there are some similarities does not nessarcily mean it is same

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