
Is India a good country?

@HiramHolliday said in #30:
> Why pick on me? Others are commenting negatively.
you are doing this everywhere including when i make a forum and the others who are saying bad things about India i already reported and replied
From India came Ramanujan and Vishy Anand. The world should be forever grateful for them, even if India did nothing else. Which, of course, it did.
I have never been to India, but I like all of the Indians I meet. There are many living even in my neighborhood in Korea (some Sri Lankans as well), and I have found them to be very approachable, friendly, and highly hospitable.

But I have heard from Koreans that the country is challenging to visit because of the infrastructure.

Somebody also told me quite candidly that there are some issues with extreme poverty that they found to be shocking. But this was 100% true of South Korea in as late as the 1980s, but even just in 10-20 years, the situation improved dramatically.

I think India has a bright future!