
How do I hide the amount of time I've spent playing and the number of games played on my profile?

I really enjoy using Lichess and want to recommend this site to people that I know in real life. Then I can play against them and they can experience what this platform has to offer. However, I don't feel comfortable sharing with these people the number of games or amount of time I spend playing. I intend to keep that information private and I know some less experienced friends would also be discouraged from playing after seeing my numbers. Is it possible to hide this information? If not, I will have to continue to use another website when playing games with people that I know.
Also if it gets back to your boss that you were playing on company time he's going to be pretty miffed.

Seriously though - what you ask is impossible. Every game you've ever played will be available to anyone who wants it, for free, forever here:

and there are sites ( where people can enter your Lichess name and automatically import all your games; see your favourite openings/which ones you're weak at etc.

Privacy is dead. Get over it.
I like OP's request. Ok, I understand @Doofenshmirtz's answer, and of course tha games are public. But I really can understand that one might not wish to have the number of games presented so openly. You are aware, @Doofenshmirtz, that it is a difference to read on one sight that I played "139 days, 14 hours and 3 minutes" - or to have my games available somewhere online and probably write some software that adds my playing time?
@Sybotes You don't need to write software. I just went to openingtree and popped your name in. I selected 6 months as the range, white as the colour and clicked analyze. I saw you played 1082 games as white. Again for black: 1337. Average ~13 games per day. Took me about 3 mins. Where exactly do you draw the line on how easily available the information has to be?

The OP is complaining about the number of games played being visible. It's standard in chess for that sort of information to be public. Why violate that principle here? How are people playing them in a tournament going to be able to study their openings if that is hidden?
I draw the line between having it on one single glance and having to evaluate a databse, being skilled like a real @Doofenshmirtz. Come on, you can't deny it is a difference.
But wow ... why were there so many more games with black? I always smile when people complain about that, and now I am one of the victims myself!
@Doofenshmirtz, you've assumed a lot in your responses.

I don't care about:
1. Whether my games are public information
2. Whether someone uses free tools at their disposal to find out this information
3. The visibility or searchability of my games and openings on my profile

Me and the people I know are casual players and it's not that serious. I was simply asking how to hide what I consider to be irrelevant information that is plainly displayed on my profile. Anyone can click through pages and pages of my games if they like but why do they need to know the total number of games I've played or time spent playing *at a glance*? These are interesting statistics and nothing more.

I don't walk around with the number of beers I drank last night written on my forehead but my friends are free to look through my recycling bin if they want to figure it out.
If you're a casual player, the time spent playing wouldn't be too much, right? Nor should the number of games be prodigious. So why are you embarrassed by all this?
Make an alternative public account, that's what I do and it works great.

That way my forum posts are also hidden.
Pushwood, you are always mocking, we know that - but your question is just not the point. The question is not: why be embarrassed? but: why reveal?
If the games were not available publicly, of course that would change the functionality and the spirit of Lichess deeply. Nobody here asked for that. But the information on the profile page? You could make it visible depending on the user's choice just like the nationality.
For instance, in my preferences, I have the choice "Share your chess insight data" with nobody / with friends / always. So? I think that a clever boy like @Doofenshmirtz is able to retrieve those data even if I choose "with nobody".

It is not a big deal. I just think that hiding those said data would not deminish Lichess functionality and enjoyability - nor is a reason necessary why one would or would not like to hide them.

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