
Why I need to play with players without rating?

Good afternoon

I have been registered on Lichess for a long time and I do not want to play with people who do not have a permanent rating, who have a rating with a question mark, in this regard, I cancel these games, in return I was frozen for 10 minutes, for interrupting such games .
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@Haymarket said in #2:
> I guess it's impossible to settle their rating and rating deviation if they play only with other provisionally rated players.

You can make the function of enabling and disabling such games in the settings. Because I constantly come across people who do not correspond to their rating.
This is with regards to the created games, where I set the parameters 0 + 500 by rating, with whom I want to play the game, I set the exact parameters, not approximate ones, and I am given approximate ones (people who have a question mark and an inaccurate rating indicator), in tournament games please - you can play, or when I set the parameter with all play, when the game is created, if you understand what I mean
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@Haymarket said in #2:
> I guess it's impossible to settle their rating and rating deviation if they play only with other provisionally rated players.
@smartcoder1 said in #3:
> You can make the function of enabling and disabling such games in the settings. Because I constantly come across people who do not correspond to their rating.

But if everybody took advantage of that option then what @Haymarket mentions is still a serious problem. What you want can only work for the site if only some people take advantage of the option you propose and the rest of the rated players "bite the bullet" for you. I definitely appreciate your frustration but this seems to be a necessary annoyance of sorts for this site to work. And FWIW we all were once provisional at some point and needed this help ourselves. Here's your chance to give back and get some glorious karma.

That said, I would hope Lichess has a mechanism so that the "getting stuck with a provisionally rated player" matches are fairly distributed amongst the rated players.
Playing against opponents with unsettled rating is kind of a citizen duty, and therefore there is no option to avoid them, just as little, as you can tick on your tax declaration "I do not want to pay taxes".
I mean, when I set a filter for a game by rating so that there are no people without ratings, but in tournaments or just playing - welcome
You were frozen, because aborting games intentionally is an undesired behaviour: it is annoying for the opponents! Please don't do this again.

In order to avoid players with a provisional rating you can accept respective challenges in the lobby. And many tournaments (the official ones as well as team battles) have a minimum number of rated games as an entry condition. Therefore most of the participants have an established rating.

@Haymarket said in #2:
> I guess it's impossible to settle their rating and rating deviation if they play only with other provisionally rated players.
Surely in this case their rating would become less reliable.

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