
Carlsen Loses to Ding | Resigning With A Smile | Sinquefield Cup

Ding becomes the Sinquefield Cup 2019 winner.

Time Stamps

01:15 Not protecting the e5 pawn in the Spanish [Analysis = 59s]

04:59 Exchange Sacrifice

05:54 Is the Bishop on e4 in trouble ? Video Highlight 1

06:06 Ba8 Intermezzo [Analysis = 1 min 12]

07:33 No need to sacrifice the black queen? [Analysis = 43s]

09:18 Did Black just blow it? Video Highlight 2 [Analysis = 41s]

#stlouis #GrandChessTour #SinquefieldCup
Carlsen had been doing extremely well in 2019 so far before Sinquefield Cup began, then he lost some games at Rapid & Blitz and that can sometimes happen even for the world champion but he said "I don't care." when asked about the final day of blitz and overall standings. For that attitude I'm afraid maybe he deserved what happened at the tiebreak.
Honestly, I think this tournament isn't his best one. He just lost 10 ELO points from this tournament. Yikes. This TOTALLY does not show the true Carlsen.

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