
How do you open a can if you don't have a can opener at hand ?

@s2numbuq35i said in #15:
> You push your knife in at the edge where the can opener would cut. Take care not to cut your fingers. Then when you pry it open far enough, you can use pliers to peel back the lid.

I wouldn't dare to do that, too risky. Lay the can stable, cut the side of the can. A loss of a little food is better than you cutting yourself.
@what_game_is_this said in #21:
> I wouldn't dare to do that, too risky.

It's a risky method, but so can be cutting the round side, because the knife can slip. Securing it against the edge feels safer to me.
@clousems said in #19:
> Does Papai save Ahliv Oiel from Blewto?
you know it better than me...
he saves olive only when opening the can cuz bluto is so powerful..
The can should be more stable lying down when cutting. You have a stabilitet problem when cutting close to the edge with a standing can. With a lying can you aren't cutting in the direction of your hand.

I truly believe this metod is safer.
You ask @CSKA_Moscou for a pair of scissors. Then you use them and start to try to open it but sort of intentionally fail.... Then CSKA_Moscou takes pity on you and helps, Even though he could probably tell you were failing as a ploy.

At least, that seems simplest to me.
> My family was so poor growing up, we couldn't afford a can opener. We just stared at a single can of beans for lunch.

You were lucky! When I was a lad, I used to dream of having a can of beans. I just pretended to stare at one, which was really a cardboard box. Which was what I lived in. Each morning at 3 AM, I ate a handful of gravel, then walked down to the sawmill and worked there 18 hours for tuppence a month. If I was lucky, I had sawdust for dinner. Then, when I got back in the box, my dad would thrash me to sleep with his belt.

Those were the days.
@pawnedge said in #27:
> You were lucky! When I was a lad, I used to dream of having a can of beans. I just pretended to stare at one, which was really a cardboard box. Which was what I lived in. Each morning at 3 AM, I ate a handful of gravel, then walked down to the sawmill and worked there 18 hours for tuppence a month. If I was lucky, I had sawdust for dinner. Then, when I got back in the box, my dad would thrash me to sleep with his belt.
> Those were the days.

And you tell the youth of today that? They wouldn't believe you.
@pawnedge Pure Luxury! For dinner, we weren't even allowed to eat our gravel. We had to suck on it and spit it out, and wash it down with rat droppings.
@spindriftdrinker , when I was a kid, we were so poor I'd come home late so I could sleep on top, rather than below those sleeping lower in the pile, who had earlier eaten their carefully selected single bean. Any who understand much about beans will recognize the good sense in my approach.