
After move 50 is this winnable for white?

Is it a straight forward win or complicated? It looks to me like I would have to fight to keep one pawn and force a win. It seems like I should be able to do it. Any insights?
This is a win for black after black's 50th move unless black plays poorly. Black's 2 pawns and position don't give white viable options to defend.
Could someone please give me the basic info on how to win this as black. I went on but am not knowledgeable enough to figure it out (the web site software). What is the basic idea to force a win and how?
you simply force the a-pawn all the way through with the help of your king. Basically how you did in the game except 57...Kb6??. 57...Kb4 is straight forward and strong
In general, in rook endings, being a pawn up is often, but not always, winning. 2 pawns up is almost always winning except in a few strange cases.

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