
Opponent resigns correspondence game very early in an equal position

I guess others have had this happen to them: four moves into a standard opening (Ruy Lopez in this case) my opponent as white resigns (and subsequently their account is closed).

Bad form on the part of that player of course but that's not my issue as little can be done when the account is already closed. My issue is that I don't want the extra rating points from a "win" like this. I especially don't want them in correspondence as it seems that the ratings are already inflated by several hundred points due to stronger players being less likely to play correspondence games.

Any tips on dealing with this? Could Lichess implement a system to void game results and rating changes in this situation?
I wonder why people care about a correspondence rating in the first place. All you can do is play these games for fun and hope you're not cheated too much.
no way to solve it, except for predict future itslelf every time You Play and scan with Superpowers if opp is like that and cancel a game from the start xD but then You don't have to play against mere Humans, only Sf 10+ xD
@Cedur216 said in #2:
> I wonder why people care about a correspondence rating in the first place.

Fair comment and in reality I don't care about getting my rating as high as possible (it's a long time since I had any official rating but I know I'd be no more than 1700-1800 ELO OTB) and I know that there's little Lichess can do about it. It can be helpful sometimes just to write down something that is annoying so you can let it go! ;-)
As long as every fair player in the long run has the same quote of early resigning opponents, all are equally overrated. And because rating is relative to the others, there is no big harm.

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