
In a horror story, what type of person would you be

Most likely the one losing their own sanity at the same time trying to support the main character
Oh, no question: That comic relief guy who's actually competent for the first two acts, then randomly decides "fuck this bullshit, I know kung-fu! I can totally take out that giant demon-zombie mofo" and promptly gets his head punched off.
The guy who leaves the situation the exact moment he realizes something's not right.
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ill be the guy who tries punching as hard as he can the keeps missing then dies
Think I'd find out if the killer wears a cup.

Agree with #4,My wife loves horror movies,me not so much. Oh, there's a killer in the house let's hide in the attic or the basement or anyplace we're cornered.
My wife asks me "How did you know she was going to trip"
"They always trip"

To be fair I have seen a few I liked.

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