
Best chance for chess success imo is...

Only playing one opening will get you in trouble after some years.
learning to play positional/"boring" chess. If you can just get good at that, then play the london system or something similar. If you just play slightly better than your opponent positionally for 30 moves or so, you'll get up a pawn eventually, take it to an endgame, win. (Source, started over on lichess, started playing the london system, playing positional stuff, got up to almost 1900 now)
Try out the King's Indian Attack (KIA) as white. For black you can play the King's Indian Defense (KID) unless white plays e4, in which case you play the Pirc Defense.

That should be enough theory to survive the first third of the game. Many openings transpose into each other. Instead of memorizing countless series of moves, remember the general principles of development and king safety.

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