
Inane and Pointless on a Saturday

Its not Christian to hate, so I won't say that I hate my work today.

I'm ready for a triple Grape Nehi.
@morphyms1817 said in #1:
> Its not Christian to hate, so I won't say that I hate my work today.
> I'm ready for a triple Grape Nehi.
Nah, you can hate sin and working on the Sabbath.... Well...

Haha... Just messing with ya... Sorry you had to work... Hope you do get some rest
@morphyms1817 said in #1:
> Its not Christian to hate, so I won't say that I hate my work today.
> I'm ready for a triple Grape Nehi.

Thats one thing that Shops me from being Christian.

But seriously, drink good tea and relax
Did you ever hear of the Nehiphites? They weren't Gods favorites. I think he rather preferred the Crushites .
I thought #NEPO-DING was all the rage for their amazing games the last three weeks. Anyway, a popular channel posted a new video today so we could watch an American named Hans, while Hans watched Nepo and Ding from a prime seat at the playing venue. I've seen Hans on video before, for sure it definitely appeared to be Hans.
I was used to read Hans in stories- Hans, the humble merchant, Hans the Swan, but Hans the Moke? No.
@morphyms1817 said in #1:
> Its not Christian to hate
This really depends on your interpretation.
I personally don't like organized religion in any form. I suppose you could say I hate it?

Now I don't particularly hate anyone or anything.
But pineapples on a pizza tastes disgusting to my taste buds.
So if I say I don't like it, the meaning is similar too, if I said I hate it.
I just use another word to describe my distaste for something.
What is hate, but another word for the same feeling you get from something/someone you don't like?

What is hate and what is dislike?, What is the difference, besides the obvious terminology?
Which is both vague and individually determined?
The feelings can be the same, regardless of the words uses to describe it.

@morphyms1817 in #1 you clearly indicated that your work day yesterday wasn't good, you also indicated that you disliked it to the point of hate.
However you also say you ain't allowed to hate based on your religion.
Hate is just a word. I am not a Christian or religious, but just because you change a word, that doesn't mean you change the meaning.

Now to my understanding, when Christians say they should not hate, I think they mean regarding other people, not situations.
I am not sure sure if it's original meaning is meant as a law, or a state of mind.

I said I don't like religion, but I like philosophy, and I don't think we should waste energy hating hardship while we endure it.
Hardship is an education. It makes us stronger, wiser and evidently more tolerant to endure whatever will happen in the future.
Let's not focus on negativity and spurn the bad moments. Let's rejoice in them, while they are there, learn from them the hardship of today, keep heart that every day will eventually end, and every new day is a new start.

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