
My Chessable Course Is Out!

And what exactly are we supposed to say to this? "Thanks for the ad"?
@MrPushwood said in #4:
> And what exactly are we supposed to say to this? "Thanks for the ad"?
We're supposed to go "oooo" and "aaaa", then start running and screaming.
Opening Repertoire has so little to do with computation and so much to do with Style that a 'std repertoire' for the general masses seems a little fiddy-fiddy to me ... please correct me if I am wrong ...
Thanks for a well done course. I have made it through the first 5 chapters and have enjoyed learning this new opening. As a Catalan and Jobava London player the lines were easy to pick up! Once I've completed the rest of the chapters I plan to try it out in 20 games as white and see how it compares against my standard repertoire.
Dear Nate,

It is not okay that you are advertising using the lichess blog. This is, from my perspective, undermining the central ideas and core values of the lichess plattform. Blogs are meant to be public journals nothing less and nothing more.

All the best,
Seems like an interesting course. The post does a good job of explaining your mentality while making it and what the target demographic is.