
Continue the story 2!

But the assassin was a big fan of Capablanca
@j88q said in #41:
> But the assassin was a big fan of Capablanca

And joined Capablanca against Garry
It was Garry Kasparov vs the entire world...
Who wins? Is it the one man army Garry or the strongest Players of current generation.
Episode 2

The championship games ( the immortal sacrifice on h5)
Can we all just take a moment to understand and piece through what is the moral of our story
@Rimac_C2 said in #45:
> Can we all just take a moment to understand and piece through what is the moral of our story
No. There is no need to discuss on that.
Then Garry hires John Cena and it becomes a two man army against the world.
Then dobby sacrifices himself because Garry casparov bribed him.

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