
Some words that receive grief on the site

I have noticed a distinct dislike from some quarters of the word _ine_pple.
I experience great joy eating pineapple on my pizza (BACK pastafarians, BACK!)

No grief there on my part.
Pineapple on pizza is the perfect combination between sweet and salty. It mixes an acidity with a sugary juiciness and deliciously gooey cheese. The perfect combo for any food enjoyer!!
My experience is that pineapple don't go well together with grease. Pineapple and whipped cream is a no go.

In a sweet and sour sauce it is very nice.
One of my favorite pineapple combinations is pineapple and baked ham. The flavors just seem to really compliment each other.
The pizza controversy is easily resolved.

If you do a bit of research to determine the amount of _ine_pple produced in Italy, you will find that Indonesia, the Phillipines, even tiny Costa Rica can all snicker -- indeed, scornfully neglect -- the Italian contribution to the production of "that fruit."

Let's go even farther: how much _ine_pple gets grown in New York City? In Chicago?

Yeah, that's right.

Now, if that fruit were necessary, or even advisable, on pizza, do we REALLY THINK that it would not be grown in the three places on Earth where pizza was MEANT to be made?

I think I can assure us all that Italians, New Yorkers, and Chicagoans are all clever enough to produce that fruit if they felt it necessary or advisable to do so. But do they? I've seen no pineapples being grown in ANY of those places. Have you?

I sincerely doubt it. That's not a coincidence.

Edit: I just looked at the current record for the Chicago Bears. I may have to revise one of my assumptions.
@morphyms1817 said in #1:
> I have noticed a distinct dislike from some quarters of the word _ine_pple.

Well, our overlord the p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e, has subjugated yet another thread!

Are there Other words?
Subjugated? I think not, @morphyms1817 !

Held to its proper place? Indeed!

The only way that fruit could attain utter domination would be to beguile and become the favorite of a certain golden-orange-haired Colossus!

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