
Is declining takebacks rude?

No it isn't.
In essence, takebacks aren't even part of the game. Against the spirit of game.
it depends.

obv. mouseslip? sure!
(multiple) blunders? nope.
Takeback means one thing I'm losing so I'll ask for a takeback.

If someone ask me if they can ask for a takeback I say sure ask it will not get you anything but you have freedom of speech
@cheila said in #17:
> i have move confirmation turned on i consider blunders a learning experience and would actully preffer not to take them back since its harder to rememeber it if i do not feel the pain of the move i play 30+20 but that dosent meen i dont blunder chess is hard:)
> abouth acepting take i always accept if promptet unless hes really mean want to win probely i consider the elo or what its called in chess to be a weapon for improving if im good enough to rise in elo i will

I used to have move confirmation but it took a long time and I ended up losing games on time, so I turned it off. But it worked on unlimited, really helped me win
No takebacks allowed. I ask for no quarter and I give none. Mistakes, whatever the cause, deserve to be punished. No mercy. ;)
@sAnDrAiSgOod said in #25:
> I used to have move confirmation but it took a long time and I ended up losing games on time, so I turned it off. But it worked on unlimited, really helped me win

for me it helps alot that i can se the move i make before i make it it helps me make less mistakes i play way to fast anyways and im not saying that to brag i make waaay to many mistakes but where all diffrent:)
So once I played a game and my opponent blundered his queen and asked for a take back. I automatically declined but after the game I felt really bad about it. Is that natural or am I just a weirdo?
i wouldent worry to much abouth it it gives him the opportunity to learn from his mistakes and become a better player

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