

<Comment deleted by user>
your last 28 games have been "casual"
only "rated" games affect your rating (score)
Your Score goes up later after looking at Chess videos on you tube Playing Chess Looking at Chess Books & Reading some' ... Yes You must play rated games for your rating yo go up or down & it takes Hundreds of Games Playing Chess to become a decent' player @Steisler Lichess also has Analysis at the end of each game so you can see the horrible errors on each side & try to improve your play by using all the Methods available . The Method is like Plastic can be 7 can be moulded to fit every situation Emanuel Lasker former World Xhess Champion said ... Also there are puzzles you can try to solve looking for the best mov & experiance Playing is Important & Study Chess @Steisler Maybe you will love Chess more than you imagined possible' Good Luck on your new journey have fun enjoy Lichess
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Playing against the computer is always casual, you can use quick pair to play rated
@Steisler said in #4:
>Whoever it was that posted a laugh emoji - keep that in mind.

Possibly it was that "asinine" remark that triggered it. ;)
@Steisler said in #4:
> I usually just play the computer because I tried against an opponent a while ago and they crushed me within seconds. I think they were rated quite high

If you play rated games, your rating will quickly settle to something fairly accurate. Then. "quick pairing" will give you opponents close to your strength, and you'll have a better time. You may have to endure a few games where you are painfully crushed, but it doesn't last long.

But don't intentionally lose those painful games. The cheat detection algorithms will get you.
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