
Mystery Master wins September Lichess Bullet Titled Arena

My guess is Baadur Jobava...first he is a Super GM like Lichess leaked, second, the openings he played, london systems,jobava system(LOL), torre attacks, sicilan Scheveningen,modern defence...BTW Jobava could play any opening, but grey parrot could be Jobava
Not Magnus for sure. He would figure out something more unique.
DrHealed or something.
Another mystery is how this thread gets new replies but isn't bumped up in the thread list.
"and its far superior cousin Horsey"

Agreed, Horsey is beautiful whatever people may say :)
Guys, it's a grey parrot who lost all its color. Stop wasting your time trying to find the real identity of a colourful...*ahem*... grey bird. Leave it alone!

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