
I never knew Stockfish 5 blunders it`s Queen?!

I was just playing stockfish for fun and believe it or not I won stockfish 5! Just click this link to see the game Let me know your thoughts about what you think about my win!
@SkyFire3675 said in #1:
> I was just playing stockfish for fun and believe it or not I won stockfish 5! Just click this link to see the game
> . Let me know your thoughts about what you think about my win!
You are lucky!
The way lower-level Stockfish plays with u is to play solid opening moves (takes very little time to think) and it will eventually makes some blunders. Once it makes a single blunder, more are likely to come. The higher the level the less blunders it will make (it might even make 0 blunders).
wdym, it's just meming around. decided to play a new opening: botez gambit!
There is one in lichess who have defeated stockfish level 8 in correspondence(not me).
Stockfish AI Levels on Lichess are programmed to blunder every n moves depending on its strength.
Even AI level 8 blunders.
And these AI levels here are wrongly numbered because they don't play according to what their strength (rating) should be. Level 3 plays like level 1, level 6 plays like level 3 and level 8 like 6. These AI levels aren't strong enough and many players at Lichess have defeated level 8.

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