
catalan vs regular queens gambit, which is better for pushing for a win?

I find I usually have more winning chances in the catalan, probably because no one really know what to do. In the minority attack in the regular queens gambit I've heard that its practically a technical win for white if someone knows what their doing.
@Jonathanmaxwell if black knows what he is doing the Queen's Gambit is a draw. Also he can enter the Semi-Tarrasch instead which is also a draw. Example:

However I agree with you that the Catalan is a very nice opening and it is also what I play myself. I'd say the main benefit of the Catalan over the Queen's Gambit is avoiding the Nimzo-Indian Defense. It's important to know though that in the Catalan you are genuinely sacrificing the pawn as black can take and hold onto it reasonably. Obviously white has full compensation though based on the activity of the Bg2.

EDIT: unfortunately not shown in the game, but what I meant to show was that the Semi-Tarrasch can be reached through 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.cxd5 Nxd5.
White must have something forcing tho where its not so drawish against the tarrasch or semi tarrasch defense?
@Jonathanmaxwell also the Tarrasch Defense is not something to worry about, only the Semi-Tarrasch Defense. And no, there isn't really anything forcing to play against it, but if you play the Catalan you can transpose into standard Catalan lines instead of entering the Semi-Tarrasch. Also if you don't play the QGD exchange but play 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 you have more options against it, but black now has new options available including drawish ones.

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