
Me without time, but the opponent not enough material to check mate.

@mkubecek said in #19:
I know the game, I'm pretty sure this is a bug, but don't worry if this happens again I will put it here (I will save the game).
@mkubecek said in #20:

In the second case it's a draw if the black runs out of time, never can be a win, with a king and knight you can't do a check mate.
@Pepo59 said in #22:
> In the second case it never can be a draw for white, with a king and knight you can't do a check mate.
...and that's where you are wrong (assuming you meant "a win"). An example of a final checkmate position:

8/8/8/8/8/6N1/5K1p/7k b - - 0 1

I hope I don't have to construct a full series of legal moves leading from the second position in #20 to this one to convince you it is *possible*. No, I'm not saying that anyone would play like that in a game, just that such series of *legal* moves exists which is exactly what the FIDE timeout rule requires.
@mkubecek said in #23:
In this case, the king has a pawn, and with a pawn you can get a Queen. In the case that I say he hadn't nothing. Anyway, in the case you has put as an example, the pawn can eat the Knight and this is a draw.
@Pepo59 said in #24:
> In this case, the king has a pawn, and with a pawn you can get a Queen. In the case that I say he hadn't nothing.
Last time: show the game. Until you do, there is nothing more I can do for you. As you have just demonstrated, you did not understand the rule (at least when you were writing comment #22).
And for the record: in this position, it's *Black* who has a pawn, i.e. the side that *did* time out. (I.e. it would correspond to you having a pawn, not your opponent.)

> Anyway, in the case you has put as an example, the pawn can eat the Knight and this is a draw.
No, it cannot. A black pawn on h2 cannot capture a knight on g3.
@mkubecek said in #25:
> No, it cannot. A black pawn on h2 cannot capture a knight on g3.

Whites do check with the Knight and blacks eats the Knight, always in the whole life.
@Pepo59 said in #26:
> Whites do check with the Knight and blacks eats the Knight, always in the whole life.
This is getting ridiculous. The pawn is black and it is on h2 so that it can only advance or capture to the first rank (i.e. "down"). The knight is on g3 so that it cannot be captured.
@mkubecek said in #27:
> This is getting ridiculous. The pawn is black and it is on h2 so that it can only advance or capture to the first rank (i.e. "down"). The knight is on g3 so that it cannot be captured.

It is supposed that whites begin in the down side and blacks in the top. So whites go up and blacks go down.
@Pepo59 said in #28:
> It is supposed that whites begin in the down side and blacks in the top. So whites go up and blacks go down.
Exactly. The pawn is black so that it goes "down", i.e. in the direction of the black king. The knight is on g3, i.e. "upwards" from the pawn.

Sorry, but at this stage I really have to ask: you still don't see it or are you just trolling?

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