
Small question for Lichess devs


(First of all : Thanks to Thibault and all the other devs for your amazing work !)

(Now my question :)
Are the URL of this website likely to change in the next few years ? (URLs of puzzles, lessons, studies...)
I would like to print a few booklets with QR codes in it, that's why I need URLs that are stable over time.
Are they going to be free or are you planning on using a free site to sell something? Why not create a study and link people to the study? You can then just QR code the website you have your stuff on. I would not suggest doing what you are planning on doing either way (for profit or for free).
> Are they going to be free or are you planning on using a free site to sell something?
The booklets will be free, they are for some kids in my family.

> Why not create a study and link people to the study?
That doesn't change the issue, the URL of the study must not change for my QR codes to remain valid.

> I would not suggest doing what you are planning on doing either way (for profit or for free).
Why not ?
@Coquelicoq said in #3:

> That doesn't change the issue, the URL of the study must not change for my QR codes to remain valid.

No, I am saying YOU get a domain, mychessbooklet DOT com.

You put the QR code to that address. Then you just redirect that address to wherever lichess has the content you want to share. If they ever change addresses, you just change the redirect and the QR code can stay the same so long as YOU keep that address.

> Why not ?

Why not present the same information? I don't understand why you expect a site to house pages forever so you can QR code them.
@TheTacoBean said in #4:
> I don't understand why you expect a site to house pages forever so you can QR code them.

Calm down. He's (she/they) asking a question, not issuing a demand.

A booklet could be fun. Why not? Why turn it into an IT headache if you don't have to?
@mcgoves said in #5:

> A booklet could be fun. Why not? Why turn it into an IT headache if you don't have to?

Expecting Lichess to keep the addresses the same is an IT headache. I am saying a more plausible way is to redirect so you can adjust when there are changes. This is meant to help and assist. But if you want to put all your eggs in one basket, don't come crying to me when they fall and break.
Lichess has some of the cleanest URLs on the internet. I would not be surprised if they were stable for a long time.

OP has to balance the costs of reassembling and reprinting a few brochures with the costs of remembering how a years-old website was set up (and not touched since). I can see either one burning up an afternoon.

Not to mention domain and server costs. (?? I haven't made a website since the 90s, when I had a few kB of my very own on the university server.) And of course remembering long-forgotten passwords.
Aren't there websites to redirect, shorten links and that'll also allow the redirection to be modified later?

Otherwise I do think it's very unlikely urls of puzzles or lessons will be changed for quite some time since they're already pretty simple.
@Hitsugaya said in #8:
> Otherwise I do think it's very unlikely urls of puzzles or lessons will be changed

Lessons could be shifted. Maybe you want to keep up on the latest trends. For example, today's WCC match had the French Tarrasch. I wasn't introduced to the Tarrasch until I learned about the Advance, Winawar, and Exchange variations. There's even the Steinitz and the Burn stemming from the Classical.

How would you keep a consistent list? This is why I also suggested the redirect method.

For puzzles, it becomes even more useful. We are still trying to figure out the levels. Wouldn't it make more sense to have 1000 to 1500 and 1500 to 2000 puzzles? Then after some sorting, you can deliver 1000 to 1250, 1250 to 1500, 1500 to 1750, and 1750 to 2000.
TheTacoBean said in #4:
> I don't understand why you expect a site to house pages forever so you can QR code them.

To be clear : I don't expect anyone to do anything for me.
As mcgoves said, I just ask the devs wether or not they intend to keep the URLs stable.

If their answer is "Although it's not impossible for some URLs to change, we usually try to avoid that", it's good for me, I take the risk.
If they say "Don't rely on it, we absolutely don't care about URLs stability", then I will try other methods.

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