
The first LFT Horde championship series

Hello everyone! we are hosting the first LFT Horde championship series, with two open events and a four-player round-robin final for the best players.

The first event is an eight-player best of 6 5+0 knockout with open entry,
if a match is tied 3-3 3+0 best of two match tie breaks are to be played until someone wins.

The second event is an eight-player best of 6 3+2 knockout with open entry,
if a match is tied 3-3 best of two 2+2 tie breaks are to be played until someone wins.

The LFT Horde championship final will be a 5+2 four-player round-robin of best-of-six matches, we will choose the players using an elo system where all players start at 1000 and on each game have a coefficient of 20

so the four best-performing players based on all game results will go through therefore all six games of each match are to be played no matter the results. :-)

Good luck to everyone!
The entry for the first event a eight-player 5+0 Knockout opens now! the seedings will be decided by previous event performance when possible and otherwise by rating GLHF, Everyone!!!

to join write "I am in" @wildecats @Diablo4747 and @Dude128 will return for this series and are in.

to join you must have over 20 games
@sergeynsk said in #5:
> I am in
if you could play 20 games or if this is an alt account and you have them on a main I would happily let you in, but otherwise, I cannot.

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