
Is it safe to use

Hey, there. There was a website I came across titled . It wants access to my account and do anything from my account. But it is not operated by mind you! Please give me your opinion ladies and gentlemen.
I don't think so. It is a foreign app that isn't that famous either.

You should probably ask a mod.
@BlueKing19 So many people are in the lichess4545 league and no complaints have been reported, indicating that lichess4545 is probably safe.
It's generally well trusted, and I personally had no issue with it. It is safe.
Thanks guys. Will think about it. BTW do any of you use it?
I have played two games through it and had no issues.
same. i tried logging in and it was weird. But Lichess, thats the only chess website I'll ever use!
Lichess4545 is a community of Lichess, its a website used to organize various leagues and automate much of it, show live league games in progress and such. Several of the admins there are Lichess admins too. The leagues are very well run and if you read about it there it’ll state more about this. It’s not a platform to play chess at all, all league games are played here on The reason it asks to connect to your Lichess account is for automating processes like catching when your league game is being played and streaming it live on the website there and other scripting purposes like your rating and profile hyperlink for others to directly connect to your profile on I participated in the Lone Wolf once and the Team league 45/45 for over 10 seasons spanning several years, it’s absolutely safe and very fun for those having time to commit to such activities, I highly recommend you try it.
Agree completely with jg777. I joined a couple of months back and can't talk more highly of it. Lots of great competitions and lots of useful communities talking about all things chess.

Giving it access to your account means that it can see your results when you finish them which automates the league system - actually really convenient. It also automates messages for games etc.

All in all - highly recommended.

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