
Where is metal music originated from?

Speaking from memory, @bfchessguy nailed it. The progression of greatness.

Cream. No, not in coffee. Ever. But a perfect start to something good.

Jimi. Everything after that wasn't really progress, it was just tidyng up.

Zeppelin. It doesn't get any more tidy. Or tasty.

Black Sabbath. If you remember, you weren't really there.


Boomers did so very many things right.

And we haven't even mentioned Janis or Ms. Slick yet, and her airplane.

No, it's not yet metal. But metal became part of the goodness.

And if you want to go WAY back, remember Beethoven. Who knew how to sling around chords that at first mystified others.
@clousems said in #10:
> Classical music also heavily influenced it. Many Eastern European composers (especially Dvořák and Tchaikovsky) had some stuff that sounded pretty metal. "Am I Evil" has a Holst section.

Don't forget about Shostakovich!
Shostakovich. Oh, baby. He had to work around Stalin. And that wasn't always safe. But Shostokovich pulled it off. Big time.

Some might wish to put on some quality headphones and listen to the guy's music from a good orchestra or chamber group. Delightful.

But don't overdo the volume. Protect the priceless hearing. Yet another thing one has to remind metalheads about. Because they deserve to be protected.
@OctoPinky said in #26:

I've seen Malmsteen play classical on his electric and also with an orchestra - one hell of a good show.
let's not forget BTO. No, they weren't the origins of hm music, but they were one of the first to put on the leather jackets and present themselves as a heavy rock band.

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