
Going Incremental

I appreciate your blog post a lot.

Recently I see that while our society is perhaps seemingly getting more hectic, my opponents seem to be more and more in a rush. To be the creator of a beautiful and rewarding game of chess we need time to think in my opinion. Only when we use our time properly we can find creative and unusual chess moves. If we rush, without having developed our chess skills properly first, we, especially lower rated amateur chess players, will likely produce superficial chess moves which may lead to uninteresting chess games, from which we may only learn a little bit in the post mortem analysis. To enjoy the game of chess we need to respect our thinking time and use it well.

Thank you !
I loved this article, thanks for posting it.

One thing I would add from my own experience is that I think the opening quota idea also helps for people like me who have historically played too quickly in classical OTB games. The act of saying you are going to spend at least some time on the opening, maybe be in line with your opponent through 12-14 moves say, has had a huge effect on my game and results, and I would actually describe it just as you did where it sets you up to play the rest of the game at a good tempo. Both not rushing (in my case) and not being too fussy over small differences (in your case).

Thanks again for this!
The blog was great! Although I don't face much time trouble, I had a fun time reading it and took away something. Also, what you said:

" You can’t take your clock advantage home with you. You can’t take it into the next game.

Just like you can’t take your rating into the afterlife. "

Just brilliant.