
New (stupid) variant

I just noticed this group and the first variant I came up with is:
1) if a piece captures another piece, then it can move again (this does not allow exposing the king to checks though)
2) same as first, but after a capture the piece only has 1 extra move, no matter if the extra move is another capture
haven't tried to see what happens but it seems funny enough, probably it leads to very close positions I guess
oh another variant: pieces (rock bishop and queen) can only capture by jumping a single piece, friend or foe, along the path of attack (like cannons in chinese chess)
Defending would be really tough in this variant. Also tension would be hard to build up because a lot of the time you would want to break that tension with a double capture. Queens would be monstrous pieces as well much stronger than before.

Many openings would simply not work so well either. Like the Ruy Lopez.

Also unpinning pieces would be hard. Imagine the simplest of tactics say a bishop pins your knight to the queen. You put your bishop in between the two to break the pin. They just won a 2 for 1 deal. You don't break the pin your queen gets taken on next move free queen. You move the queen to safety and then the bishop takes the knight and has time to retreat.
of course chess openings could not be played... it would be like playing e4 in antichess

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