
Solid openings requiring less theory for low ranked?

Hi all, as the title says i'm looking for openings requiring less theory and which can stand against most low ranked replies.
As white I mostly play the modern london system and I won most of my games so far with it. I also play sometime the italian game but I want to try something else. As black mostly the king indian defence (losing a lot with it though).
Check out the Black Lion. First 8 moves are pretty much automatic and work against almost anything for Black. You can usually get a good attack going up the left side or king's side. Fairly easy to learn, just don't veer off.
At your level, the best opening is to develop your pieces. Most games at your level are not decided in the opening, but in the middlegame. Opening theory only plays a role when both players are good at the middlegame and small advantages in the opening matter.

But at your level, focus on developing your pieces, avoiding moving your pieces twice in the opening, and making the most logical moves rather than following theory.
If you do well with the London, then stick with it.
For black I recommend playing 1...e5 on 1.e4 and 1...d5 on 1.d4.
With just logic and common sense you can develop your pieces to control the centre and you do not need that much theory.
King's Indian Defence requires a lot of theory.
I think what would help you more than opening theory or systems at this point would be general understanding of what you want to accomplish in the opening.

With white the London System is the pinnacle of solid opening with little theory. I would recommend you stick to that.

With black, give up the King's Indian Defense. As you've seen, it won't end well for you if you don't know the plans in that opening.

The 7 Opening Principles as I learned them are:

1) Control the center
2) Pawn in the center
3) Develop knights before bishops
4) Don't make too many pawn moves
5) Don't bring your queen out early
6) Don't move the same piece twice
7) Castle early/King Safety

Good Luck!


I looked over randomly a handful of your games briefly to give you some chess advice.

At your level do not worry about opening book theory. Memorizing some lines is not going to help you very much.

What @jposthuma said is really good advice.

To expand on that...

8) Do not hang pieces for nothing

9) Do not be afraid to retreat

10) Be tactically aware of forks, pins, skewers, checks, double attacks

11) Try to make castling difficult for your opponent

12) Before making a trade consider which piece is more useful. Look not at what comes off the board rather what gets left on the board.

13) Try to find weak points in the enemy camp

14) Do not check just to check. If it has no follow up.

Here are the 5 most basic elements in a chess game.

Time, speed, space, material, and king safety.

Time = What is on the clock. Make good use of your time. I suggest playing on longer time controls especially when learning so that it's only really 4 elements to worry about.

Speed = Things like how well your pieces are developed, in the opening, and whose gonna win a pawn race at the end and all things in between.

Space = How much of the board you control. Central squares are typically more valuable.

Material = what is left on the board.

King safety = exposure to checks, and checkmates

You can trade one element for another. For instance sacking a rook to keep your king safe, or giving up some space to develop a little faster. The more elements you control the more you will win.

As you play London with white, you can play the Slav Defence with black 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 and now also ...Nf6, ...Bf5.
@Mickackou Before being concerned about moving one piece towards your opponent, note that all your pieces most be able to move. Just don't send one piece to a battle, send as many as you can spare.

If you notice you have one piece lagging behind, then find a tack for it. Make sure all the pieces are able to become active. If you discover you left a piece at it's starting position and you never moved it before the end game, you basically handicapped your game. Fighting with one hand behind your back.

Pawns must have a stance, a posture, a structure so that your pieces have support.

Enjoy learning one pawn structure at a time. Have some fun opening up the pawn structure on the chessboard. The structure is built for your middle game. Once the structure is gone, your heading toward your end game. Note the themes and their weaknesses.

Use your imagination, so that you learn from the errors in building the structures. You will soon discover that some players have memorized main line openings, while others play by experience. Opening experience basically comes from experimenting with the opening structures.

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