
Halloween Raid

I am conducting a Halloween raid. On 31st October, everyone who is part of the raid will play a game, write 'skeletons' in the chat, and play the Halloween gambit (e4 e5 nf3 nc6 nc3 nf6 nxe5). You may continue any way you want. Post game link as a reply to this message. Looking forward to a happy Halloween!
Let's do something similar on Russia Day, East Germany independence, Poland independence, ... As a matter of fact, we could find a certain variation to play on every day of the year. We must also play something like the Tango to play on Leap Day. (Interesting(?): my captcha has white only knight developed. This web site is psychic--or is that psycho?)
Heh, I love the HG Aryamaan. Played it against a player that usually beat me, a 1700 player...he thought I was nuts. After about 6 moves he said I was beat. I went on to beat him. He doesn't let me run it on him any more, he plays 3...d6 now.
Sounds like fun.
@DavyKOTWF I don't really play it, but just for theming, I'll play blitz games cause I don't care about my blitz rating
Aryamaan, it's sounder than most people think at <1700, in slow games. :-)
Halloween raid got shitty So I didn't know what to do I just found this 1 hour ago and I didn't even post a comment
damn can't wait for Denmark's national day that'll be fun

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