
My Question

I like it but I think it would be better as a second job.
Also, in my country, women cannot become singers
So I will not stay in my country
Eminem is worth 190 million, but Dr. Dre is worth 800.

It's mainly about gaining popularity, but also I would say it's important to write your own songs. And be careful about record companies, as others mentioned.
@dOnYa1386 my #10, was heavily inspired by a quote from Alan Watts. (Read bottom)

Don't let your country's local laws stop you.
You are still a teenager, so you have time working for you. Time to learn and improve your skills.
If you aspire to be a singer, start writing your own songs, sing with your own words, learn to play and understands different instruments, this will help you to compose your own music.

I don't know much about Iranian laws, but I do know, that laws are always evolving.
And perhaps, your voice and your lyrics, will one day inspire change? Change in your country, or create change in others heart.
Stop dreaming, and start singing.
Sing for your friends, sing for your family, keep working, keep improving, maybe one day you can sing for your nation!?

Perhaps you could become so good a singer/song writer, that current laws don't apply to you?
You sound and words have the potentially to become a voice than will change a generation?

Don't let adversity stop you, instead work to become an inspiration to us all, and overcome your adversities. Show the rest of us, what someones dedication and perseverance can accomplish.

"Stop aspiring and start writing. If you're writing, you're a writer. Write like you're a goddamn death row inmate and the governor is out of the country and there's no chance for a pardon."
-Alan Watts
"Stop aspiring and start writing. If you're writing, you're a writer."

That's similar to Stephen King's advice on writing: "Just write".

You don't think about writing, you just write. The more you write, the more you're a writer. And King was definitely a writer, he was (and is) very prolific.
@Aollonian #19 I remember once reading an interview with Stephen King, where he said something like that.
I think, he also said something about; not to use time and money on Learning how to write classes.
(His point was that many people, especially adults, who do that, writes in a similar fashion, and therefore seldom creates something unique (Yet I remember thinking, although I love his stories, that they are often were similar))

But hey, Stephen King is awesome, I like his work, and remember he once said something like; "I could write a book in two weeks, and a bestsellers in one month." (Para quoting)

(Simultaneously some of us are still waiting for GRRM's; A Dream of Spring)

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