
lost points somehow?

my opponent ran out of time in this game

i still had 7 seconds left on the clock

for some reason, it said "time out" and I ended up losing points, even though I won...
it was counted as a draw.
you dont have material to checkmate him.
since its a draw and he has lower rating he gained some points.
I dont really understand the reasoning, though.

So what if I don't have enough checkmate material? He still ran out of time.. and it wasn't a close draw, like we both had <1 second left. I still had ~10 seconds left...

What is the point of having a timed game, if when your opponent runs out of time he wins?
It wasn't a close draw since you had a totally lost position and could never ever win no matter how much time you had. Hence the draw. Frankly I am amazed that you draw like that and then have the gall to complain about it...
you should have lost more points than that.
But you lucked out and won him on the clock, so you salvaged a draw.
Its a draw because you can't checkmate him
Also the captcha below is the game i played just 2 mins ago
okay, as a counterexample then lets look at a game like this

now i have more than sufficient mating material, and no matter how much time my opponent has, he has a total lost position

however, even when both are clocks were 0:00 for a couple moves, he wins out and i lose. not even a draw.

and maybe i should mention i realize my first game posted was a total loss position-wise, but fortunately we weren't playing an unlimited time game - my opponent could not successfully mate me and lost on time. So what if he had a lost position? If the game is timed, then the clock should be the deciding factor in time-out games.
"So what if he had a lost position?"

it should be i had a lost, not he had a lost
And by the way, as I'm sure you are all thinking of the FIDE ruleset:

"The game is drawn when a position has arisen in which neither player can checkmate the opponent’s king with any series of legal moves. The game is said to end in a ‘dead position’."

notice in the rule, it states that neither opponent must be able to checkmate. in my original game, my opponent still had material to checkmate, and thus should not be counted as a draw.
I'm not sure what the FIDE rules are, but them's NOT the rules here. It seems fair to me--especially on the blitz time settings. When you're on the other end it's something to play for which is what no doubt you were doing. Handing you a win would be awarding you for moving the pieces around quickly. If you held onto a pawn you could have had the win.
First off this is in total agreement with FIDE rules, specifically 6.9:

Except where one of the Articles: 5.1.a, 5.1.b, 5.2.a, 5.2.b, 5.2.c applies, if a player does not complete the prescribed number of moves in the allotted time, the game is lost by the player. However, the game is drawn, if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves.

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