
9+9=? hint: Think not of the correct answer.

9+9? Is it equal to 1+8?
Idk, and my calculator is broken, when I did this it told me : "you are dumb, as usual, it's like the time when you did 1+1 to verify if I worked."
Um yeah, I always do 1+1 on a brand new calculator, to verify if it works. Lol.
9+9 (the addition is done in base 10) =
in base 0 (infinite overflow with 0 symbols)
ıııııııııııııııııı in base 1
10010 in base 2
200 in base 3
102 in base 4
33 in base 5
30 in base 6
24 in base 7
22 in base 8
20 in base 9
18 in base 10
17 in base 11
16 in base 12
15 in base 13
14 in base 14
13 in base 15
12 in base 16
11 in base 17
10 in base 18
I in base 19, assuming that I = 18, using a similar analogy to hexadecimals where F = 15.
I in the rest of the bases because 18<19+x, where x is any positive number.

So my answer to this is "I". I am the answer, the solution to your problem. Accept it or leave it (lol jk)

But I'm guessing "I". But also if that's not true, it could be any of the ones that I just listed
9+9= 9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9-9+9

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