
Can you guess my next move

Nice quiet move!

Unfortunately for the purposes of guessing it, the move is right there in the score. When I look at the post in #1, I cannot help but see the board and the moves. Idea: If you put the game in a study, then you can set the chapter to "Interactive lesson" and then post the link to the game at move White 23 (as you did). Then the score will not be displayed.
@jomega said in #2:
> Nice quiet move!
> Unfortunately for the purposes of guessing it, the move is right there in the score. When I look at the post in #1, I cannot help but see the board and the moves. Idea: If you put the game in a study, then you can set the chapter to "Interactive lesson" and then post the link to the game at move White 23 (as you did). Then the score will not be displayed.

Actually, I forgot that to make this work properly you have to start at the position 23.Kf1.

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