
Regium electronic chess board - about to be released


This new electronic chess board is about to be released ( My initial thoughts are that, if it does what it says it does, I’m salivating as it claims that it:

1. Connects to Lichess
2. Is silent (uses magnets, not a motor)
3. Sets up a position automatically (so could in principle use to set up positions in correspondence games quickly).

Now obviously no one needs this to play on Lichess, but if you prefer playing OTB to 2D and the software works, it looks like a good piece of kit (also depending on the price, which hasn’t been released yet).

Does anyone have any other thoughts, including anyone from the Lichess team who may have worked on the integration (unless Regium just used the open source code).

It looks amazing. Wow

But i would have loved to see how the horse jumps the pawns when the path is blocken.

I bet its going to be above 500€ easily
If you can put the pieces anywhere on the board and it can set it up, it would good for chess teachers, they can prepare a bunch of puzzles in advance and go through them with little set up time between each puzzle.
Absolutely marvellous. The only problem shall be the price :(
On front page it says kickstarter. So is the launch for the procuct or for the funding ? In latter case it it like 6-1 against that ever getting something. Better think of buying once it is really available and you know price and quality.
My Square Off set has been serving this purpose well for about a year now, though the pieces look a bit less futuristic. This also looks like a nice set based on the same or very similar technology. Admittedly, SquareOff only natively supports, but they made the app easy enough to unpack and configure to use other services (sometimes). Unfortunately, while the license allows for modification, it does not allow for distribution, so I'm not sure if anyone has made a Lichess compatible repack for public download.
Biggest difference is that square of has moving parts and cannot be as fast nor as silent. So I guess this is cooler product IF it works. Square of seems slow for blitz type of game. But I think even if I had this sort of table I wouls still use screen most of the time
@RegisLakrids Easy. First of all, pieces are centered on the square, leaving enough room for a piece to slide between two pieces. Second, if there would not have been room, a gap can easily be created by sliding a blocking piece to the side of the square it's standing on, have the knight move, and then sliding the piece back to the center.
Brb getting into time trouble with the pieces slowly sliding around the board LOL

Dang i really want one practice otb online._ looks pretty cool i like the staunton set better than the first set.

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