
chat these days

this is what chat looks like these days...June 7, 2013

[01:08] == World__Champion [6bc70ed0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #en.lichess
[01:09] <World__Champion> whats up everybody
[01:09] <World__Champion> happy, mephostophilis, allibek, what's up.
[01:09] <World__Champion> I remember the good old days when chat used to be on the main page and we would have a gay old time
[01:11] <World__Champion> now there's 3 people on chat and nobody wants to chat

Yeah whats with this? Why cant we have chat? The chat you have now sucks by the way no one is in there. I think parents should be responsible for what their children do online, its not our fault if they see some bad words. Also I need to sign in now to post? I couldnt just make a new account or hide ip if I really wanted to be annon. Cmon guys dont improve some things then take away others.

If you are worried about legal issues its open source I dont think anyone could find anything to sue for except maybe shut the site down, if so just start over whats the big deal. Im not a lawyer though so could be wrong
I prefer the new chat. The blueish color may seem to clash, but it functions as smooth as a baby's rear-end. The old way was littered with confusion and the topic of conversation was forced if two were untamed.
I think there were simply too many abuses on the chat for it to remain open. Lichess has now been mentioned by several major web-media related journals, and with many people comes the possibility of investors and advertisers. Thibault has already stated that he won't sell lichess, but that doesn't mean he won't allow advertisers to advertise and give him money. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing ads all over the place. Personally, I like Thibault and I'd like to see him be very wealthy. But looking ahead at investors is probably why the chat was canceled, ... lichess has to maintain certain standards in order to appease potential investors.
that makes sense ss. I guess we will have to tell the noobs a few years from now how awesome it was back in the day.

could even post links to porn lol

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