
Team message bug

I tried sending a message to all of my club members, but I heard back from our members that they did not receive it. When I open messages, it doesn't show up as it used to, that I sent it today, but I have to go back to 2 months ago when I sent the latest one. Is it a common bug?
Could be you have used your 7 messages per week allocation!
@Rankrotten said in #4:
> Could be you have used your 7 messages per week allocation!
that is the thing, i have all of my messages messed up. on top there are not the newest ones and my team messages don't go out. I do 1 per week
Team messages don't show up in the inbox sidebar anymore to avoid messing up the inbox of leaders of large teams. You can still see them when directly viewing a conversation. If people don't receive them, they probably unsubscribed from team messages.

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