
Every speed cuber message me!!!

I would love to have speed cubing friends, is there anyone else who like speed cubing AND chess? I can give you some tips if you'd like.
You can also message me if you don't like speed cubing :)
I like speedcubing but I'm not really fast. (53 sec best...)
I also play chess... (thats why I am on Lichess)
Really like to have somes tips...
@KnightPlays12 said in #1:
> I would love to have speed cubing friends, is there anyone else who like speed cubing AND chess? I can give you some tips if you'd like.
> You can also message me if you don't like speed cubing :)
Yeah i'd like to have a speedcuber's title
If you say someone who can solve 1x1 in 5 minutes is a speed cuber...
@Acrobat31 said in #4:
> If you say someone who can solve 1x1 in 5 minutes is a speed cuber...
Damn, those are hard.
I am capable of solving the magic, the rubiks cube (3x3x3). And though it may take an hour, I will get there eventually.
So you could say, that I've got speed inside my brain and blisters on my fingers. :)
I was a cuber back in the day, my PB was 17.15, I will never forget it. I averaged 26 seconds at that time. And in the schoolyard nowadays, there was at least somebody bringing a cube with him/her. I roughly did with 30 seconds as I forgot most of my OLLs.

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