
1700 plus players.

Don't bother playing me as I will just block you . I play for fun not an ego trip. Fed up with the amount of 1700 plus players challenging me I will never get to that level. What's the point you only get 1 pont best 2 and sometimes zero.
Use it as a chance to improve. And as far as rating points go, it's low risk high reward. I personally don't enjoy games with lower rated players but when i'm paired with someone much higher rated i always get excited. :)
When I started on lichess I was about ~1400 bullet I have never really studied, but simply through sheer volume ~20 000 games or so i made it to 2000. I took every game in stride. 1700 is a very reasonable rating especially if you look over your games when you're done. I think i made some big gains (rating wise) when I used to do that. Accounts like Chess Network with rating around 2800 has played about 40 000 bullet games. Every once in a while you'll get hard pairings and every once in a while you'll win. You may surprise yourself.
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when i was 11 i was very happy at beating an 1700 rated player but it all changed since i was 12 this 2019 thanks to the support of my trainer now im happy as a 2100+ player :)
Most people aren't destined for greatness. If you want to continue playing at your level, that is your choice. I'm never going to break the 4 minute mile no matter what encouragement I receive.
Your true trainer is yourself if you don't believe in yourself you will not win even if you have the greatest trainer

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