
Unblock lichess

As all gaming sites are blocked I need some techniques to play chess at lichess!! Right now using proxy sites I can manage to open lichess but still I couldn't be able to play!
Hahahaha, kinda funny that someone went out of their way to block lichess.

Sorry buddy, not much more we can do to help. Seems like you need a proxy that supports web sockets.
lichess is listed in the "game" filter of some companies firewalls. I know it because my brother told me he can't play from his work.
You will need to contact your network administrator to find the reason for the block. If it is a company connection then it may be a corporate policy. If it is your home connection to an ISP then there may be, as Clarkey indicated, some problem with the way that ISP is handling certain types of Internet traffic.

If it is something between your ISP and the hosting provider for then the matter must be dealt with by your ISP's NOC escalating through their transit provider. If you're in India as your profile indicates, your ISP might find some answers through SANOG.
Private Internet Access is a good VPN service I use. I recommend it.
Private Internet Access will allow you, but it's shit. Use Airvpn.

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