
Your new Name

@Shadow1414 said in #10:
> The Shadow. The one who must nah be named, the one above all other. Rulin' the shadows, lurkin' in the dark, searchin' fer worthy foe. Aye, he's The Shadow, aye.
|That's a long name; I think you can say whatever you want to in bars and it shouldn't be considered the name|
@dstne said in #1:
> If you could rename urself....
> I would call myself Sir Humbleandcoolguy ;)

I would call myself Dobby... because, whenever my mom throws a piece of my clothing at me and yells at me to do my laundry, I can run away, saying "Master threw a [insert piece of clothing] at Dobby! Dobby caught it! Dobby is free!!"
@dstne said in #1:
> If you could rename urself....
> I would call myself Sir Humbleandcoolguy ;)
After some decades I am now used to my name. I would keep it.
@ew-pawn said in #11:
> Is it just me? I keep my name as it is.. Finding a new name is kinda hard and you might wanna change after so the real name is like a destiny you live with it

You wanna keep your name “ as it is “ why ?????
@Aaradhyaa15 said in #38:
> You wanna keep your name “ as it is “ why ?????
you got me wrong xD i mean i keep my real name and don’t wanted a new name

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