
do you consider chess to be a sport?

You may be too young to remember this, but 20 years ago, FIDE president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov made a very serious effort to get chess recognized as an Olympic discipline.

Turns out that there are certain formal requirements for this, the most important of which is the existence of regular doping controls. So what you have to do is publish a list of illegal substances, establish urine controls for two years in international competition, and then you can issue a formal application to the International Olympic Committee.

This is how, for example, the Snowboarders did it when they became an Olympic discipline, and Kirsan decided that we have to do exactly the same thing in chess.

The whole attempt was rather grotesque of course, and arguably did not help Ilyumzhinov's reputation. Here is a random article from those days if you are interested -
i don't think the definition of a sport has anything to do with the amount of luck in it. at any rate, poker is as complicated as chess, and while there is certainly much more luck, at least short term, in poker, i think poker, chess, go and bridge are games, not sports.
@Frogster64 said in #6:
> If someone asked me: "Did you play any sports when you were in high school?"
>I would never reply: "yes, I played chess."
>That would be silly.

There are some job format applications that are standard in my country. Whenever you are looking for a job you need to fill one of those and add your resume on top if you have any.

That question is in the job application.
Do you practice any sport? Yes No Which one.

I always say yes, and I list chess.
@Frogster64 said in #6:
> If someone asked me: "Did you play any sports when you were in high school?"
> I would never reply: "yes, I played chess."

> That would be silly.

I'll say Yes when he/she asks what. I'll say chess :D
@MIHIR_KATTI said in #8:
> Chess should be played at the Olympics.
@MIHIR_KATTI said in #7:
> Aah, but the definition of a sport is that it should not rely on any luck. Chess does not rely on any luck. Poker relies on more luck than any other.
It is because of the reasons on post 7
Chess is a sport. Chess involves high amount of strategies and vision and is helpful for mental health
has anybody ever suffered a chess injury? i think i dropped my mouse once and felt mildly uncomfortable because i had to stretch to reach it.

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