
Anyone born outside of US if so tell me where.

The Netherlands. Also, please dont ask me about windmills and cheese and stuff like that.
'born outside of U.S.' ?
Is this a new branch in Theoretical physics or Pure mathematics?

Are you trying to imply that...

but How...

Okay listen, every now and then, some 'genius' comes out with a new theory and try to brainwash all of us with it through the media.

In summation:
There's no such thing as Dragons,
There no such thing as fortresses,
and there no such thing as 'life on other countries'.
Could have been a good weird al takeoff on Springsteen, " Born outside the USA"
i was born in mars
while there was accident between 2 cars
i was born that time
because the other car did a crime
it was a sin
and the other car got flown into a dustbin
i was born there
@Nisko1234 said in #5:
> 'born outside of U.S.' ?
> Is this a new branch in Theoretical physics or Pure mathematics?
> Wait!
> Are you trying to imply that...
> but How...
> Okay listen, every now and then, some 'genius' comes out with a new theory and try to brainwash all of us with it through the media.
> In summation:
> There's no such thing as Dragons,
> There no such thing as fortresses,
> and there no such thing as 'life on other countries'.
There is no Easter Bunny
There is no tooth fairy
And there is no life on other countries!

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