
Stark white or Pitch black only on theming ?!

Yes okay but I would like one button say

"Video mode" or something ...

which provides Kevin's interface properties immediately


1) Shut down left
2) Board max height
3) Something bottom right to help colour balancing

I could press this before recording videos locally - and it would be better marketing for lichess etc.

Cheers, K
Actually maybe instead of calling the button "Video mode" it could be called: "Maximise board"

so when people are doing videos on the site, the videos have the board at maximum height.

Also the colour balancing would be nice too - something on bottom right.
Shamanics - one button or mode which does that would help anyone recording on the site for youtube.

The Youtube videos need to look ideally like Kevins - and it should be as easy as possible for this to achieve.
With the zoom mode and full screen, here's what you can get

Simply, press F11 and then Ctrl +++ and even whitout F11, just resize the window width and the sides will disappear.
Hi Karimov and all

Not everyone would think of using the ++ for browser zoom. For example I played IM Chessexplained earlier and he didnt like the board size until I told him about the Cntrl++ you mentioned. Possibly given its so critical for the interface, lichess could have a wrapper button for the Ctrl++ to make everyone more aware this site can adapt the interface.

Cheers, K
I think a message would be useful. Something like "Press F11 and Ctrl++ to increase board size".
Hi all

For HD videos the resolution uploaded to Youtube needs to be:

1,920 x 1,080

If you don't upload to this screen resolution, they will not give the HD option for viewing the videos.

So it would be useful to have a "Video mode" button to use which basically takes the full height of the board and a bit more to create a "critical rectangle" for recording the screen for this resolution. I can do this approximately with Xsplit as a guide and created this morning:

which to me looks a lot better and more colour balanced than:

Cheers, K

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