
Being accused of cheating and the messaging system

‘I am not a developer, but my guess is that it is probably close to impossible to implement a messaging system that offers what you are asking for. Unless of course they would simply remove the possibility to block people completely. But this would come with another set of disadvantages.‘

At the risk of repeating myself, this is not really what I’m asking’s got nothing to do with removing the blocking function completely or anything like that. It’s the abuse of the messaging system whereby you can send an insulting message and then instantly block the person. I’m asking for that feature to be removed, nothing more than that.

‘I am not a developer, but again: How do you envision that to work? If your intended system really does remove blocking, then I am pretty sure that it will not happen.‘

Ok, well I see two possibilities.
1) As I mentioned before, the sender of a message can be fairly assumed to be wanting to start a conversation. So why can’t the initiator of conversations not be allowed to block, but the receiver still has that option? If the initiator eventually wants to block then it could be at moderator request.

2) Allow a minimum conversation length before blocking is allowed. Let’s say 5 messages.
Is this really so difficult to implement?

‘You keep saying this as if it were a thing. I have never heard of such a "right to reply", and I honestly doubt it exists anywhere. Definitely not in my country, otherwise I would have been in jail long ago. I constantly violate people's "right to reply"‘

Sorry, there seems to be some confusion here...I’m not talking about a legal right or anything like that, I’m talking about the issue of fairness.

‘ The fact that you do not see any consequences does absolutely not mean that there are none’

Not really sure what warrants this cryptic reply. Are we dealing with state secrets here? Why can you just answer in plain English what these punishments are then? Frankly, this comes across as so defensive, that I’m wondering more and more if this behaviour is even punished at all...happy to be proven wrong on this point tho!
> So I think devs can do one thing if you message someone till 24hours you can't block that person.

Alright, so say you send a message to someone you just played, e.g.:

"Hi! Want to play another game, this one was fun!"

To which they reply with death threats and general insults. Under your proposed system, you now have to listen to that for either 24 hours or until the moderators mute the person in question. In my opinion, the current system is less flawed.
so a answer for this is quite complicated right?
> Why can you just answer in plain English what these punishments are then?

Because that was not the question that you asked. I am so happy that there is only a "right to reply", and not an "obligation to reply".
@Blobbyfischure there's a good chance that the offender got the automated Lichess warning "on Lichess you must always be nice. Further violation of policies will result in loss of chat privileges etc etc"
‘Because that was not the question that you asked. I am so happy that there is only a "right to reply", and not an "obligation to reply".‘

Ok, let’s look at the question that I originally asked:

1) What are the consequences on lichess for unsportmanlike behaviour?...apparently nothing.

And your reply ‘The fact you do not see any consequences does absolutely not mean that there are none’

I fail to see where you have explained what the consequences are. So your latest reply is just complete nonsense.
Cedur, alright cheers for the straight answer! Doesn’t exactly seem like the harshest of punishments to me...
Bro, I also had this kind of sore loser assholes once or twice. I laughed, ignored and move on (I didn't even bother to report them). You met one of them and now you want him crucified or something. So please drop the rude vigilantism ...
You are right, I misremembered your question, and I apologise for that. I answered the premise of your question, not the question itself.

Anyway, feel free to create an issue with your proposed changes here:
I dislike them, but that does not matter. Maybe the developers will like them.

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