
Lichess is lying. Claiming I have left the game or just let the time run out

"In your game history, you have several games where you have left the game or just let the time run out instead of playing or resigning. This can be very annoying for your opponents. If this behavior continues to happen, we may be forced to terminate your account."

Case in point is my last game. After I blundered my queen, I continued to play like a good sport, so I composed myself and sacrificed my rook.

Also, sometimes I have 5 seconds left and lichess complains because I didn't keep playing. It's ridiculous.

Please tweak your algorithm. It's annoying.
Easy to counter prove:

Clock sitting for 36.8 seconds

Clock sitting for 80.5 seconds:
Yeah like I said I was shocked for a moment, but I continued to play like the game proves.
I am only talking about the first game.
The warning message is not necessarily triggered by the last game you played.

Besides we already know that you're not a well-behaved player.

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