
Amazonian Forest in Brazil.

In a scale of 0 to 10, which are the probabilities of a military intervention in the Amazon, to remove it from Brazil?

Just post your opinion...
@celinofj What? Why do you want to remove it from Brazil? Impossible. 0
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ This is Bob.
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ Bob is trying to understand your question.
░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░Bob is confused.
Guys, thank you for all your humor.

But in Brazil, this is a question that is considered.
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