
false positive

> im very angry though, because I DONT CHEAT

yes, yes. nobody who gets those cheat detected games ever cheats. it's well known, if you are naive enough to believe any posts in the forums. let me guess: you checked with the engine, but you did not intend to play the engine move. am i correct? that is still cheating though.
also, aren't you the person who recently complained that none (!) of their cheating opponents were caught by the lichess anti-cheating systems? so i am guessing what you are currently doing is research?
@Linspiring first, you need to encounter the same position; second, you need to revisit the analysis tab with engine activated

It can still happen on accident, but that's not very likely
Are you sure? Because that would be great to know if I could be certain of it because sometimes I am concerned a little about this.
I've been told that by glbert but generally keep an eye on your tabs. Also saves you from losing a game from the countdown

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