
Left handed Chess player vs Right handed Chess player, is our thinking different ?

I'm a left handed person , and so i wonder if in general, on the Chess board ,we think differently to right handed people !
I realise this may sound like a pointless or silly question to ask, but i have been aware for a long time that Right and Left handed people seem to think in a different way about some things , such as logic or social situations etc.

I am very interested in whether anyone has noticed any proof of this question.

And i'm not forgetting those who are ambidextrous , perhaps you have the best of both world's , or maybe not ?
Again i'm very interested to hear your opinions on the above questions.
Studies have found that left-handed people tend to perform better in individual sports, but right-handed people perform better in cooperative sports, but this is based on the physical aspect, baseball is an obvious exception.

In my games, I tend to play on the side of the board closest to my dominate hand. I believe that this is neither due to my hand preference nor the dominance of my left brain, but it's just that openings develop in this manner.
interesting topic, not a silly question at all.
I'm left-handed
and I'm a psychologist, but unfortunately I don’t know what are the differences between right-handed and left-handed people in chess
Left handed people tend on average to be better at artistic endeavours while right handed people tend on average to be better at logic/math. That's my understanding at least, based on pop science articles I've read. Not THE most reliable source, but the problem with pop science tends to be the writers dumbing down and/or misunderstanding the scientific articles rather than them just making things up so fairly reliable in this case I would think.

In chess it obviously helps with general purpose intelligence, but I wonder (as a relative newcomer to chess) if the ability to visualize various board states when calculating isn't even more important? I can't imagine this is a question that could be answered by anything other than a quantitative study.
While without looking at studies sources, hypothetically speaking, there must be a subconscious discrepancy in the thinking scheme, for example, while casually reading to @WS83 contribution on the subject, why do left-handed perform better at art? well, there must be a logical explanation, for instance, left-handed people are exceptions in nature, while right-handed people belong to the masses, I guess people who are left-handed tend to subconsciously think that they are unique or the exception and which could be the way in order to exploit such? the answer is art, while right-handed people tend to subconsciously think that they belong to the natural order, the outcome of precision or accuracy in our evolution as a species we are, therefore logic rules their paths.

But in the very deep of our being, no matter if left or right-handed, we all have the potential to do what we do according our strengths, the majority of humanity performs tasks or fields because they like it despite it's not their required strength they earned upon birth, but many of us tend to ignore our strengths, a redundant thing to say the least.


So how can this all influence Chess?

What can we see in Art? We can see precision too, but as well as chaos, art is not a constant way to express ourselves, it's a revolutionary thing, a creative way of expression, therefore I believe that left-handed people who play chess, tend to try new things more often than right-handed people, so, I suppose that right-handed people are less likely to do great changes and are more prone to stick to the established order within the subject, those maybe making them more solid, while great changes are very risky, sometimes we find progress or regression in them.

@jonesmh That's a good point you make about the side of the board you tend to play and develop on , i hadn't actually thought about that to be honest.
And as you point out, sometimes moves and openings etc just happen to be one side or the other.
@Muha_Cokotuha I'm interested in this kind of question as there's so many theory's on the subject , i thought i would ask people myself rather than just wonder about it.

And being a psychologist i guess you have questioned the subject before now especially as you mention the fact you yourself are left handed.
No, even right handed people use different areas and not all the same areas.
Im much more interested to know how people without fear of hight compare to average people in the likely outcome of street fights.
@WS83 I'm actually a pencil , charcoal artist as it happens as one of my many hobbies ,and also mathematics and logic are not my strong points at all to be honest so i fall into the general pop science findings you mention.
But of course as you allude to it doesn't prove anything.

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