
Why the software is pairing me with weak players?

This problem with pairings arose today... I have choose the option to play with opponents -100 + 200 points to my rating 2500, but I have to play with opponents with rating only about 1600... Interestingly, each of them has a lichess warning... Moreover I cannot join the tournaments...
You should be asking yourself "Why am I cheater?" not "Why I got caught?"
@SneakyHicky said in #4:
> You should be asking yourself "Why am I cheater?" not "Why I got caught?"
Shhhh let him find out for himself lmao
@Orciety said in #5:
> Shhhh let him find out for himself lmao
I am sorry this was obviously too straightforward, let's say "Lichess has its procedures".

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