
What Is Your Worst Injury(s)?

3 Years Ago.... Was Fighting In The Badminton Court (In The Summer Vacations) And One Nerd Kicked My Leg.. I Fell Down. Seriously, I Could Have Broken My Nose And My Arms, But Luckily, I Just Got Bled Out On My Knee. Couldn't Walk For 3 Days.. Wish I Could Get Him On My Hands.
Ah wait, I remember one, I was riding on my bike at an extraordinary speed down a slope, and out of nowhere, a car pulled up and I crashed into it. I layed flat on the bonnet of the car, and the driver angrily shouted at me. Blood was dripping all over my body and I had to take a day off
I once was a daredevil horsey and jumped here to there, one time I was going to jump from the sofa to the handle of the treadmill. Broke my head, maybe twisted a skull part (idk). Bruh I use Grammarly and the emoji thing is showing my message is "🥰'". :( Grammarly loves other peoples misfortunes.
Got 4 Fractures
17 Swellings

anything more bad in a accident??
1: When I was in Kindergarten, I and my classmates were in a playground. And me, with great ideas which turn out worse. 😑Instead of sliding from the slide, I just jumped down and my knee hurt so bad but I didn't tell anyone about it lol.

2: I was probably 9 years old. And, I was with my friends, they wanted to fetch a really heavy rattan stool from the cupboard. They were standing on a chair and trying to bring it down together while I was standing and just watching... Then when they were about to get it, that thing fell on my head. I really felt like punching them on their face, I was really angry. 😡😡

3: I was 4, in my grandparents' house. I tried to carry a big coconut but it just fell on my feet 😑

4: I was 9, I loved bouncing on my bed. But, then I just fell on my arm and I got fractured. After this incident, I never tried jumping on my bed again.

These are my worse injuries.
Saw a spam forum 4 times in a row. My eyes hurted.
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